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Interviews: How to address your biggest weakness

One question interviewers are known to ask is ‘What is your biggest weakness?’

This question isn’t designed to make you feel bad about yourself or unnerve you. It’s designed to allow you to show you’re self-aware, resilient and flexible.

Still, the question can throw those being interviewed off guard, especially those who haven’t prepped in advance.

Don’t be afraid of the ‘What is your biggest weakness’ question. Everyone in the workplace, right up to the highest levels, has weaknesses they can improve upon. No one is perfect. That’s why ongoing professional development is so important.

This expert article shares suggested answers to the ‘What is your biggest weakness’ question. Reflecting on these 6 scenarios will maximise your chances of making a positive impression when answering the question. Be candid, authentic and remember that this is your chance to demonstrate your emotional intelligence.

My biggest weakness is maintaining a healthy work-life balance

I love my work and am regularly in the office on weekends, to keep on top of deadlines. However, I’m conscious this is having an impact on my work-life balance and ability to recharge and spend meaningful time with family and friends. I know this isn’t good enough and am putting in place systems to avoid heading to work on Saturdays and Sundays unless it’s absolutely necessary. I now triage tasks and seek additional support from management. I also schedule short breaks in my calendar, and an hour for lunch, so I don’t miss out on recharging during the day.

An answer like this shows you’re self-aware and devoted to self-care, without negatively impacting your organisation’s ability to get the job done. It also shows your innovative approach to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

My biggest weakness is that I’m a perfectionist who can’t let go

I’ve always been highly detailed and while this can be a plus in some work circumstances, it can also be a barrier. I find it hard to let go when drafting initial content for management decision-making. I review what I’ve written over and over and then over again before pressing ‘send’. However, this can waste valuable time and put pressure on me as I edge closer to a deadline. I’ve read up on perfectionism online and now only allow myself to review draft material once. I then send the draft to management, pointing out that the content is still being developed and that their input at this early stage is essential.

An answer like this shows you can put situations into proper context. It demonstrates you’re willing to be ‘less than perfect’ at certain stages and can manage stress.

My biggest weakness is that I can’t find it within myself to ask for help

No matter how much I’m under the gun, I find it challenging to ask for help. I see this as a weakness … a sign that I’m not good enough to handle everything thrown my way. After self-reflection, and a chat with my manager, however, I’m more confident in examining my deadlines and being realistic about what I can achieve without huge amounts of overtime and burning out. I now list what I can handle on my own and list what I can’t. I discuss this with management and ask for support from other team members, so everything gets done, on time and within budget.

An answer likes this shows how you learn and are realistic about your work life. It demonstrates that you understand how seeking help and collaborating is a strength not a weakness. It’s a healthy part of work environments.

My biggest weakness is that I become unorganised when I have too much going on

When my workload gets heavy, I get unorganised which isn’t productive. I panic and feel that taking time to stand back, breathe and recalibrate is a waste because it means I’m not driving tasks forward. I researched online productivity platforms and selected the Eisenhower Matrix as the one that best suits. Now I prioritise tasks by 4 quadrants of urgency and importance, which keeps me on track.

An answer like this demonstrates your desire to continually improve your skills and become more efficient and effective. It shows initiative and an understanding that being stuck in the mud is unhealthy and unproductive.

Read about the Eisenhower technique. Also how to turn unproductive into productive.

My biggest weakness is that I am afraid to speak up

I’m afraid to speak up because I want to be a positive and motivating team player. I don’t want others to see me as critical or a know-it-all. One day, my manager suggested, however, that I never seem to share any views. I thought about that and decided to be proactive in providing ideas and suggestions, but in a constructive way. It took courage but once I did this at a team meeting, and received positive feedback, it all became easier.

An answer like this illustrates you’re willing to self-evaluate and commit to becoming a better person at work. It shows you can recognise weak behaviours and overcome fears. It also pinpoints how you’re willing to do what it takes to support your organisation with new ideas and suggestions.

My biggest weakness is that I shy away from unfamiliar situations because I lack confidence

I’ve always been keen to learn new things and am highly motivated at work. Having said that, I fear unfamiliar situations, even when they present an opportunity for me to advance in my career. I crave comfort and the familiar. I decided to speak to my manager and my mentor about this and have put in place techniques that ensure I stretch in new directions. I might not be 100 percent confident in doing so, but now understand this is perfectly normal.

An answer like this shows you’re authentic and self-aware. It also shows you’re committed to personal growth and helping your organisation benefit from your skills and experience. Last, but not least, it demonstrates that you’re willing to challenge yourself.

Final tips

  • Develop and practice scenarios similar to these before your interview, to stimulate your thinking on your biggest weaknesses and build confidence in providing clear answers.
  • Make sure the weaknesses you focus on relate to the role you’re applying for, since you want maximum relevance.
  • Avoid beating yourself up by going into too much detail about a weakness. Instead, summarise it quickly and then move on to how you’ve improved.
  • Adopt a positive and honest tone and be constructive by providing precise examples of how you’re coping with your weakness.

Want to learn more interview techniques?

Techniques for changing negative to positive

The thinking behind an important interview question

Top 22 interview questions and sample answers

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